What Services We Offer

Our services are offered to any person with disability irrespective of their condition or financial situation. For more information click here.

Residential Respite Service

Residential respite services are usually planned stays offered as a full week stay. Families may also request respite for weekend or overnight stays as required or in case of emergency

Day Service

The Day service programme is offered to members who need respite during the day.


What our service users have to say


“Meta fethet Dar il-Kaptan, pruvajna nibdew naghmlu uzu minnha, anke minhabba il- fatt li xi darba fil-futur kienet se tkun sitwazzjoni li bla ma rridu, riedna naffacjaw. Nammetti li ghall-ewwel kienet difficli ghalih u ghalina lkoll. Imma llum il-gurnata ma jiddispjacinix, ghax Keith illum jistenna il-gurnata li jmur, anke ghal diversi illjieli. Dar il-Kaptan hija it-tieni dar ta Keith. Grazzi mill-qalb. ”


“Jeremy's experience staying for some weekends at Dar il-Kaptan is enriching. Not only is he making new friends and socialising but also learning how to live independently. ”


“Victoria Is our most precious treasure. We trust Dar il-Kaptan with the responsibility of keeping her in our stead, with peace of mind. ”

Victoria`s Mum & Dad

“Ghalija Dar il-Kaptan hija it tieni dar tieghi fejn it tifel jiehu gost u nkun mohhi mistrieh u jien inkun nista inkompli mal kumplament tal-familja u jkolli naqra hin ta mistrieh ghalija. Grazzi Dar il-Kaptan. ”



We also want to help you at home. To that end please find below videos we have produced to help you with your everday needs.